Crafting Clarity: REDesigning a Responsive Dashboard for Impactful Data Visualization

From March 2023 to January 2024, I was tasked with redesigning a responsive data visualization dashboard to make it easier for engineers and account managers to assess risk profiles for real estate insurance policies. The main goal of the redesign was to enable the users to make informed decision based off of user-friendly charts and graphs.

fm global – CASE STUDY


Building a human-centric mobile app to connect riders, drivers and places and designing a unique dashboard







UX/UI Designer


1000 rides in 1st month

What is Berymo?

Berymo is a reimagining of the current rideshare model. The goal was build a product that offered unique mobility services that would connect local restaurants and bars to their customers. By partnering with local restaurants, cafes and pubs and offering our users free rides, we hoped to reduce the amount of DUI-related injuries and costs in communities.

Project Goals

Project goals and KPIs were mapped out before the project began in order to maintain a clear strategy and facilitate successful solution tracking.

Intuitive UI for rider-driver interaction

Seamless and Secure Check-In

Useful Dashboard for Restaurants

Market Research

Navigating trends and challenges


Number of people who died in alcohol-impaired driving traffic accidents in 2020

Source:National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

18 out of 25

Number of interview participants who confirmed they would like to go out to eat more if not for lack of cost-effective transportation

Source: Berymo Survey

15% - 28%

Average profit margin for wine, spirits, and beer for restaurants compared to just 3-5% for food items.

Source: National Restaurant Association

44 out of 50

Number of Uber and Lyft drivers surveyed responding that they often have to accept a ride >30 miles away and don't recoup the costs

Source: Berymo Survey

looking for opportunity

Identifying potential for innovation

Trip Cost

Berymo can offer unique transportation services to its customers

Package Delivery

Berymo offers package delivery to connect its users and last mile delivery for small businesses at an affordable price point

Driver Quality

Safety is a core aspect of the Berymo product and does a thorough background check of all of its drivers


After a thorough understanding of the current rideshare model and its flaws, user stories and user flows were created detailing the user journey for the ider-driver interaction and the restaurant partners

Use Cases


Berymo is meant to disrupt the current rideshare market. It has the potential to be a more efficient, more cost-effective, and more environmentally friendly model.


Riders have the option to schedule a ride in advance so it's easy to plan for the future.


Communal pickup locations are placed in dense traffic areas.


Berymo only works with select local restaurants.


Restaurants have full control of customer flow all in an easy-to-use dashboard.

Metrics for Success

An overview of the KPIs defined pre-design to measure if the proposed design solution was successful at each stage of the product lifecycle.

Task Success Rate

Increase NPS of Restaurant Dashboard

Decrease Support Tickets

Low fidelity explorations

I started the designs by sketching important user flows. I took inspiration from other rideshare apps and added features that were unique to the business.

Mid fidelity explorations and usability tests

I explored different user experience flows in Figma for the inviting a friend to the app feature and adding a friend to your ride. I wanted to ensure that the entry point into this flow was seamless, but also not feel promotional or gimmicky. After creating some medium fidelity mockups, I conducted usability tests with some potential users.

Exploration 1: Entry point from home screen

Pros: High visibility. Users are familiar with this flow

Cons: Without a referral bonus, it feels promotional. It could lose users' trust and be annoying if it's the first thing the user sees upon the home screen.

Test Results: Users were familiar with this experience and were able to add their contacts easily

Exploration 2: Entry point from ride request screen

Pros: Inside of the ride request flow, doesn't feel promotional

Cons: Too many buttons on the screen, user can become confused

Test Results: Users experienced a relatively high misclick rate and were observed clicking the larger button first

Exploration 3: Entry point from popup modal in request a ride flow (chosen flow)

Pros: Inside of the ride request flow, doesn't feel promotional, ride request screen doesn't feel crowded with too many buttons

Cons: several screens to click thru to finish task

Test Results: Users completed the task successfully without much confusion

High fidelity solution

After the testing was completed, the final designs were completed

Adding notifications about ride status for rider ease-of-mind

From insights and data gathered through our usability tests, it was understood how important it is to continuously update our riders about the status of their ride.

Request and Confirm

Wait for Driver

Arriving Soon

Meet Driver

Adding features to insure driver quality and promote rider safety

From insights and data gathered through online user surveys, it was understood how important it is to constantly uphold the quality of drivers and implement a system to hold drivers accountable.

Driver Ratings ensure driver quality and hold drivers accountable

Riders can file a report or complaint from their ride history

An actionable dashboard for the unique needs of unique users

From talking to our restaurant partners, I learned what was important to them when it comes to a dashboard. They wanted a place to easily input their restaurant's data, monitor their KPIs and control customer inflow.

Value of Design: From previous iterations, we were able to increase NPS by 40%.

Relevant Insights

Useful information placed on top to provide a quick summary of what is important

Business Monitoring

Scannable earnings overview provides a quick snapshot of the businesses performance and a dropdown filter allows business to monitor performance in different time scales. Easily monitor availability  for the day to make adjustments in the future

Actionable Information

Transactions and customer status color coded to make visually emphasized so restaurant can take action

Creating a secure and seamless check-in expereince

After listening and building relationships with restaurant owners and staff, it was learned that a QR code was the best solution that provided the most security and the least amount of disruption to their day-to-day operations compared to a photo or in-app based solution.

Value of Design: Increased task success rate by 15%.

Check in reminder

QR code confirmation camera view

Key Learnings and Takeaways


Always test your design hypothesis with target users. You most likely will discover a key insight you did not think of.


Don't jump straight into a solution. Often times, taking the extra time to conduct more user interviews will lead to new insights.


During the design process, stay in constant contact with key stakeholders to better inform your design decisions.

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mvp creation (mobile and desktop)
FM Global
ux and product design