Meet Kyle, the UX Designer you have been waiting for. A UX wizard and architect of digital experiences where every interaction is built with intention and a hint of magic. Based in beautiful Oakland, California and powered by copious amounts of cold brew.

My Design Process

This step is one of the most important parts of my process. As the saying goes, "if I have 10 hours to chop a tree, I will spend the first 9 sharpening my axe". I begin by conducting research to gain a deep understanding of the users, their needs, and their goals. This includes conducting user interviews, surveys, and usability testing to gather data. I also conduct a competitive analysis to understand the current market and identify areas of opportunity.
In the second step, I use the information gathered in the research phase to develop a strategy for the product. This includes defining the user personas, creating user journeys, and establishing a set of design principles. I will also create a design brief, which outlines the project goals, target audience, and design constraints.
In the third step, I will create wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity mockups to test the design. I work closely with the development team to ensure that the design is technically feasible and that it meets the project goals. I also conduct user testing to gather feedback on the design and make iterative improvements.
In the fourth step, I incorporate feedback from the user testing into the design to improve upon the usability of the designs. I will conduct additional user testing to ensure that the design meets the needs of the users and that it is intuitive and easy to use.
In the final step, I hand off the design to the development team. I also provide documentation, such as design guidelines and style guides, to ensure that the design is implemented correctly. I also conduct a final round of user testing to ensure that the final product is production ready.